Genealogical Record of Reverend Hans Herr and his Direct Lineal Descendants
Third edition with corrections and supplemental data by Dr. Phillip E. Bedient. Subtitle: From His Birth A.D. 1639 to the Present Time Containing the Names, etc., of 13223 Persons. Major surnames: Bachman, Barr, Bowman, Brackbill, Breneman, Carpenter, Eckman, Forney, Forrer, Frantz, Frick, Funk, Groff, Grove, Harnish, Hershey, Hess, Hoover, Hostetter, Kauffman, Kendig, Kreider, Landis, Lefever, Long, Martin, Metzler, Miller, Musselman, Musser, Myers, Neff, Rohrer, Rutter, Shaub, Shenk, Snavely, Strite, Summy, Weaver, Wenger, Wilson, Witmer. Hardcover. Lancaster Mennonite Hist Soc, 1994. 800 pages.