Rudolf Egli
Full Title: Rudolf Egli (1583-ca1667) Anabaptist Leader of Zurich, 190 Anabaptist Names
Year 2025 is the 500th anniversary of Anabaptist beginnings in Zürich and the 375th anniversary of their expulsion from Zürich by 1650. Rudolf was among 190 Anabaptists named in 1636. They paid a terrible price for choosing conscience over extreme coercion to recant, despite Rudolf’s pleas from prison for tolerance and mercy. Researchers will find the names of all 190 impacted by the events of 1635-1650. Rudolf Egli's biographical sketch chronicles the events of 1635-1646. This biography of Rudolf emerged from an examination of 39 documents in the State Archive of Zürich. (134pp. color illus. index. Masthof Press, 2024.)