Amish and Mennonite Settlements of America
Full Title: Amish and Mennonite Settlements of America: A Guide to North America's Horse and Buggy Groups and a Directory of Die Botschaft Scribes
Did you know that North America is home to over 700 distinct Amish and Mennonite settlements? When and from where did each community originate? How many church districts and schools are in each community? What are the occupations? How many families are there? For each settlement in this book there is an introduction, a brief history, and statistics of the horse and buggy groups in over 30 states and several Canadian provinces. There are maps, population statistics, and church affiliation charts. Also included is a profile of the 40 some different Amish subgroups telling with whom each settlement is affiliated with and more. This is a reference book that will be consulted again and again. (452pp. illus. Author, 2022.)