Counted Cross Stitch Kit - Pin Cushion - Grapes
Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society has a wonderful collection of textiles from both Amish and Mennonite makers. We used pieces from our pin cushion collection to inspire our cross stitch kits.
Finished size is 5 1/2" x 5 1/2".
Each kit includes
8" x 8" piece of 8 count Aida fabric; 30" length of lace for edging: 8" x 8" piece of backing fabric for pin cushion; Sullivan Six Strand Embroidery Floss; Cross stich needle # 20; Stitching Chart and Color Key; Counted Cross Stitch instructions; Making Your Pin Cushion instructions
You will also need (not included in kit):
Scissors and 4” or 6" Embroidery Hoop (optional)
For Pin Cushion:
Straight Pins; Polyester fiberfill stuffing; Sewing machine with appropriate color thread, hand sewing needle and thread
Mat & frame