Exodus Bible Study

Exodus Bible Study

  • $11.99

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The defining events of Exodus shape Israel’s identity throughout the biblical narrative, from Joshua to Jesus. With your Bible in one hand and this study in the other, join us as we take an in-depth look at Exodus, the character of God, and the call of Israel as God’s chosen people. Discover foundational truths with the lessons of Israel: The Hebrew people were not just freed from slavery but also freed for a purpose. As Israel carried God’s presence into the world, they were called to live differently so the world would know there is a God in Israel.

The six sessions include

  1. God Hears: God cares about Israel’s oppression and the oppressed in our world.
  2. God Acts: God acts and begins a rescue plan for Israel.
  3. God Rescues: Israel is delivered, and God’s rescue plan begins in full.
  4. God Reigns: Israel comes to the Red Sea and cries out in despair, yet Miriam is prepared to sing of God’s deliverance.
  5. God Covenants: God invites Israel to become his people, betrothed to him alone.
  6. God Dwells: It is not just “freedom from” slavery but “freedom for” a purpose.